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Thursday 30 April 2015


The concept was brought forward after some real life incident regarding the past life experiences of many people. To understand DEJA VU first lets have a look on how we humans store our memory in our brain. We know that our brain can store enormous amount of data ranging in terabytes but do you know that they are store in the lobes & curves of the cerebrum.
To understand the concept lets have a visualization of our file cabinet. In a file cabinet we keep our  files in a orderly manner sorted from older ones to more recent ones. The older ones are eventually lost in the bundles,often get torn or may be soiled since we don't use often as we do for the newer ones.
In a similar fashions our old memories are also stored in some part of our brain but since we don't use them we eventually becomes ignorant about there presence but they are still there. When any past situation or place is reveled then those memories are triggered and we get the idea that we have been to a particular place or have met a particular person although we haven't done in our current lifetime. Now many will argue than why every person do not get these DEJA VU, there is no perfect strong hold reason to this but as we know there are assumption in many field if science and so in here. The reasons are as follows :-
1. Most of us do not revisit any place of our previous life in our current life form. The concept lies in the law of conservation of mass and energy. Imagine earth 4000 years ago and current earth. At that time we have lots of more trees, less human population but now its completely reversed, so does it means that our earth's mass have changed. The answer is no and the reason is the law of conservation of mass and energy. In a similar fashion we are made of few important elements like carbon,oxygen, nitrogen, etc and so are many other life forms. It may be true that a human in his present life form was a fish in his previous life form ( many will be laughing now, but this is true). Now that person will never go back deep into the sea where his previous life was and hence he will never experience DEJA VU.

2. Another postulate is the rebirth time gap. There is no predefined theory regarding the time between two birth, so may be the difference are so large that eventually the old memories cease to exist. You can observe this thing in babies aged less than 1 year. Many time in their sleep or play time there is some behavioral changes like sudden crying, or smiling when asleep, some babies have particular type of fears which later becomes phobia. They may be related to past life although no proper scientific proves are available.

Many people do not believe in past life but there are evidences stating that and science doesn't work on the fact that how many people believe on it. In earlier days there were people who didn't believe earth was round nor that it is spinning around the sun, but facts remains facts no one can change it.

So what are your your views regarding the concept of DEJA VU and past life, do share it and yes please point out any error if you have found in my post as it will help me to better my future posts.


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